
Photo camera lens test targets siemens star
Photo camera lens test targets siemens star

The smallest gap visible is limited by the smallest dot of ink the printer can produce, making the Siemens star a useful tool for comparing two printers' resolutions ( DPI). When printed or displayed on a device with limited resolution, however, the spokes touch at some distance from the center. In concept, the spokes only meet at the exact center of the star – the spokes, and the gaps between them, become narrower the closer to the center one looks, but they never touch except at the center. It consists of a pattern of bright "spokes" on a dark background that radiate from a common center and become wider as they get further from it.

photo camera lens test targets siemens star

A Siemens star, or spoke target, is a device used to test the resolution of optical instruments, printers, and displays.

Photo camera lens test targets siemens star