Both endnotes and footnotes can be used to acknowledge authorship, source, and other pertinent information about items cited within the text. Footnotes are placed at the bottom of pages or between the lines of printed material such as chapters or sections. Endnotes allow you to refer back to particular parts of sources while maintaining the flow of the document. You do this by using footnotes or endnotes. When writing articles for publication, it is necessary to give credit to other people's ideas and work. Although it is acceptable to use endnotes with abstracts and introductions, these elements should not have more than four endnotes.

They are inserted into the manuscript at the end, either before or after the references list.

Endnotes are used to provide additional information beyond what can be included in the main body of the text.Įndnotes can also be referred to as footnotes, note citations, or reference notes. A superscript number follows your quoted or paraphrased sentence or summary content when utilizing endnotes. An endnote is a source reference that directs readers to a specific location at the end of the article where they may learn where the information or words quoted or discussed in the paper came from.